Coming To A City Near You
Coming To A City Near You
If you are interested in enrolling in Jamie’s Business Course at University of Hawaii Community College, please click here.
Dates: September 8- October 28th | Virtual Class | 3:00-5:00 PM Hawaii Standard Time | Tuesdays & Wednesdays
Do you have an innovative business idea that can disrupt the economy during COVID-19? Are there hidden business opportunities during this crisis that you can lead? Build a business plan that is responsive to the needs of consumers in the idle of a pandemic, and work with other like-minded entrepreneurs who are interested in building an interconnected economy that sources the best products and services from Hawaii. At the end of the module, students will develop a digital portfolio of their business plan. Course requires proficient computer skills.
Cal State Fullerton, College Park Building, 4PM
Cal State Fullerton, Pilipino American Student Association (PASA) General Meeting, 4PM
Cal State Fullerton, Irvine Campus, 4PM
UC San Diego, The Dugout at RIMAC Annex, 4PM
Registration is Required: Register Here!
Cal State Monterey Bay, University Conference Center, 2 PM
Old Airport, North-End Field, 12PM
FREE Admission | FREE Water | Giveaways
For more information, please contact master yoga instructor, Andrea Hutchens: 602.930.3179
Hilo Women's Club, 6-8PM
(7 Lele st., Hilo, HI 96720)
For more information, please email
Steven's Creek Barnes and Noble, 6PM
(3600 Steven's Creek Blvd, San Jose, CA 95117)
Additional Info Here!
California Polytechnic University Pomona, Pan-Asian Graduation Celebration, 6-8PM
Be sure to stop by Jamie's book signing before the ceremony at 5PM!
with Giselle Tongi
Los Angeles Channel 18 | Hawaii KIKU
2015 was a successful year for the Young, Educated & Broke. The goal was to inform young people of the social, economic and political issues that face the generation. In 2016, Jamie's goal is to implement the change she talks about in the book by hosting leadership training and retreats at her retreat house in Kealakekua on the Big Island of Hawaii. By incorporating wellness in her training, Jamie believes she can help transform a generation of leaders.